Can't wait for We're Still Here to open? Neither can we. Get involved today by donating items to be included in the upcoming exhibition.
A Local Crisis
In 2015, 1 in 3 Santa Cruz County seniors identified as socially isolated. These seniors then saw a 45% increase in their risk of death along with serious mental health and well-being declines.
While the situation is cumbersome, the upcoming exhibition We're Still Here: Stories of Seniors and Social Isolation offers not only the challenges but the solutions. Together, over 185 seniors, artists, and advocates created personal artwork about loneliness, brainstormed solutions to build connection and offered their words of wisdom for future generations.
How to Drop Off Items
Drop by during open hours to hand any staff members at the front desk your item. Be prepared to part with whatever you give– items won't be returned once the show closes. When the exhibition opens there will be plenty of other ways to get involved and help spark change in our community, but in the meantime, we hope you will consider donating.
The Wishlist
- Empty pill bottles
- Old glasses
- Old hearing aids
- Beat up shoes
- Used wall calendars
- Old address books
- Old fashioned clock(s)
- Family & pet photos - that folks won’t get back and are comfortable with us displaying in the exhibition
- Old postcards
- Old, beat up briefcases and purses
- Funeral cards - that folks won’t get back and are comfortable with us displaying in the exhibition