Researchers Anonymous: Postal Cachet
Saturday, June 13, 2020,
10am - 12pm
Researchers Anonymous is joined by researcher Frank Perry for a lesson in the cachet history of Santa Cruz and a roundtable discussion.
A postal cachet is a design placed on a cover (usually an envelope) commemorating a postal event. These collectibles were most popular in the 1930s, but cachets are still created today. Some of the historic events represented by Santa Cruz County cachets include airport dedications, visits by Naval ships, and important centennials.
Frank Perry, curator of the Capitola Historical Museum, will share some of the stories behind the research for his recent article in the Online History Journal of Santa Cruz County. His research reveals that cachets have been made for an extraordinarily eclectic assortment of events, and some were designed by well-known local artists. All celebrate things people thought were important at the time. Join Frank as we explore this unusual and little-known facet of Santa Cruz County history.

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