Wed, Jan 15, 2020
Santa Cruz County is host to many beautiful walks and scenic sites, but if you want to mix in a bit of local history to your evening stroll, we may have exactly what you're looking for.
Located near the Museum by Harvey West Park is one of the most beautiful and oldest public cemeteries in California – Evergreen Cemetery. Overseen and maintained by the MAH and a Committee of dedicated volunteers and historians, Evergreen has been the final resting place for the people of Santa Cruz since the 1850s. While most older cemeteries are religiously-affiliated, Evergreen was the final resting place for people of all walks of life--from governors to Chinese railroad workers to veterans.

Basically, an open-air museum of the people that have made Santa Cruz what it is today you’re likely to find many recognizable names that have been commemorated around town through street names, buildings, and parks. Hint: Cooper Street, Louden Nelson Community Center, and Wilder Ranch.
Perhaps you’ve already visited during our Día de Muertos festival, the annual Memorial Day event, or as a chaperone during a school field trip – but being one of the only few visitors in the quiet of the grove is an experience worth pursuing as well. Evergreen remains open and free to visit 365 days a year. Open sunrise to sunset, come walk the grounds exploring over 240 family plots nestled into the forested Santa Cruz Mountains.
If you are curious to learn more about the people buried at Evergreen, start by downloading or printing our self-guided walking tour found here.
Detailing a handful of notable Santa Cruzan changemakers, the self-guided walking tour only scratches the surface of the amazing stories found within the cemetery. Dig deeper* into local history by visiting Find A Grave, checking out our tree on, browsing the Evergreen Roster, listening to Ghost Stories on the MAH Podcast, or by joining the team of volunteers who have recently returned to Evergreen every Friday.
*Not literally, please.
If you'd like to volunteer, simply drop-by between 10am-12:30pm on Friday to help maintain, clear walkways, and preserve this historic landmark while maintaining social distancing guidelines. If you have questions on volunteering at Evergreen, please contact Frank at (831) 428-5589 or email him at You can also learn more by visiting the Evergreen Facebook Group.